Mud, Camp, & Spring Creek Watersheds
Project Coordinator: John Swanson
Subbasin: South Skunk Watershed (07080105)
Mud, Camp and Spring Creeks are located in Polk, Jasper, and Marion Counties. Together, the creeks and their tributaries traverse over 50 miles and their watersheds cover 64,511 acres. While most of the land use in the watersheds is agricultural, there is a large potential for development in the coming years. Cities like Altoona, Bondurant and Pleasant Hill are rapidly expanding into the watershed already.
Because of the large agricultural area in the watersheds, high levels of nutrients and sediment entering the water is a main concern. Flooding, nutrient pollution, and stream bank erosion are the primary concerns in the watersheds.
City of Altoona
City of Bondurant
City of Mitchellville
City of Pleasant Hill
City of Runnells
Polk County
Jasper County
Marion County
Marion County Soil & Water Conservation District
Jasper County Soil & Water Conservation District
Polk County Soil & Water Conservation District